Astrology Prediction by Date of Birth | Birth time Rectification, (key to correct prediction.)
एक अत्यंत शुक्षतम एवं आधुनिक ज्योतिषिय विधा |
21st. Century astrology, Cuspal Interlink method of Prediction.
We are in 21st. Century and Astrology methods we are using the old now as by these methods we are not getting results what we expect from Astrology. The results are very poor, we started working on it, On the same principals of our ऋषि मुनि.
Let us understand it.
Where we are wrong and need corrections.
Birth Time Rectification:
Can all the persons have taken birth, Date of Birth is 15th, August 1964 at 4.30 pm in Delhi will their fate or horoscope will be same no it can't be?
As Now the day's Child Birth Rate is One child per second & we also believe that no two human beings are alike who have taken birth in this universe. We can say that Birth time needs attention.
So our first job is to fix or say correct the Birth Time.
As Now the day's Child Birth Rate is One child per second & we also believe that no two human beings are alike who have taken birth in this universe. We can say that Birth time needs attention.
So our first job is to fix or say correct the Birth Time.
So BIRTH TIME RECTIFICATION is done in taking in to account the
Birth details of the NATIVE it exact location of the birth Say address where the birth took place,
His BLOOD RELATIONS Birth details address not a must, (Parents, Brother & sisters, & children's.).
Dividing the Horoscope Further to SUB- SUB Level.
Earlier the Horoscope is divided into 12/9/27 parts Rashi/Planets/Nakshatra.
Now for better results, we are dividing it further into 12/9/27/243/2193 parts Rashi/ Planets /Nakshatra/Sub/Sub-Sub. Which gives more accuracy in the Prediction.
Now for better results, we are dividing it further into 12/9/27/243/2193 parts Rashi/ Planets /Nakshatra/Sub/Sub-Sub. Which gives more accuracy in the Prediction.
So we can say that earlier we were working on 27 Parts & now 2193 Parts to get better results.
This all we are in a position as We are in a position to do it as we are having computers and software made to process the data.
This all we are in a position as We are in a position to do it as we are having computers and software made to process the data.
We can give Consultancy on following
- Primary / Higher Education.
- Subject Guidance
2. Health Problems
Astrology Prediction by Date of Birth Health |
- Which diseases
- Curable or not.
- Other Health reacted problems
- Business or Service.
- Business Partnership / Independent.
- Which area / Which trade
4. Marriage
Astrology Prediction by Date of Birth Mrriage |
- Love or Arranged.
- All other related matters of Marriage.
- Finance Related Problems.
5. Kundli Milan.
Astrology Prediction by Date of Birth Kundli Milan |
- This is latest in which we see
- Physical & Mental Compatibility.
6. Financial Status.
Astrology Prediction by Date of Birth Financial Status |
- The person will be Rich/Poor.
- The person will make money during which period.
- The person will make property during which period.
If you are Having any query or interested to know about you or your friend or relative
Please call me:
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I will be too pleased to guide you.
Nitin Kashyap
The Best Astrologer in Delhi,110059, INDIA.
CONTACT Me; 09870340754 or 098704067
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