Shreejan Astro Center.
Nitin Kashyap
Astrologer Cuspal Interlink Theory.
Latest and Unique Method of Prediction.
उप उप नक्षत्र
एक अत्यंत शुक्षतम एवं आधुनिक ज्योतिषिय विधा
This Latest is the unique method of prediction using Cuspal Interlink theory for casting & predicting the horoscope.
First, we predict whether the Event is promised or not & if it promised only then we go ahead for other details.
Birth Time Rectification is done per second. Now the days birth rate is one child per second.
As you can understand two twins take birth at the same time & same place & the same parents their life is not the same, they are different altogether.
This method casts a chart which is unique to an individual, like his/her DNA or genetic connection.
- Predictions:
- You can get Exact predictions on various events of your life, such as
- Marriage,
- Marriage Kundli Milan for Marriage, ( A unique Method for Prediction.)
- Subject for study prediction for primary & higher education,
- Child Birth,
- Litigation,
- Health,
- Business,
- Profession, Service / Business, Which Business, Which Trade, Partnership or Individual, With Investment or without investment, Etc. Etc.
- Finances,
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